On March 5, of this year, I opened a Twitter account and began "tweeting." This was just a few months after opening an account on Facebook as my first foray into online social networking. Some of my friends could correctly accuse me of not just foraying into social networking but of becoming a full-fledged aficionado.
For those unfamiliar with Twitter, allow me a brief explanation. Twitter is a social networking tool that utilizes 140 characters for users to micro-blog. This is different from regular or macro-blogging in which people can use more than 140 characters. For example, this blog is a macro-blog in which I can write as many characters as I want whereas Twitter restricts the number of characters it is possible to use including letters, words, punctuation and spaces.
On Sunday, December 13, I hit 1,000 tweets. As a result, I wanted to do a little introspection on my first 1,000 tweets to see if they reflected my priorities in life, especially if they demonstrated a person diligently trying to follow Jesus Christ as Lord.
I updated my status on Facebook on Sunday night asking 25 friends to give me a number between 1 and 1000 so that I could have an unbiased means to choose what Tweets I reproduce on the blog for my introspection. Below I listed the number and the friend who on Facebook gave me a number. More than 25 replied so more than 25 are listed.
Below each tweet is a sentence of reflection on the tweet and at the bottom I will share what the tweets made me realize about myself.
1 (Steve Cockrum): "Catching up on TiVo before going out of the country"
Before heading out on a mission trip to Argentina I had my priorities straight - not to spend time with Janet and Parker, but to catch up on TiVo - sheesh.
3.14 (Ralph Kunkel): "is not a fan of Ticketmaster."
I think most Americans could agree with this - I bought $35 tickets to a soccer game but after Ticketmaster's surcharges, the tickets cost around $50.
5 (Kim Keiser, Marietta Long) : "Instead of a hug & a kiss, I mowed the yard and washed the dog. "
Still waiting on that hug and kiss. ;-)
6 (Angel Waller): " is playing soccer tomorrow, 1:30 PM, at Smithfield Elementary. If you want to play, text me. "
Soccer is my favorite sport to play and watch because action rarely stops for each 45 minute half. Even when players get hurt, the game keeps going until the ball goes out of bounds. Unlike another sport I like - football, in which a commercial break interrupts play every couple minutes or so.
7 (Patty Williams): "might be starting to get beaten down by Lost. "
I have a love/hate relationship with the popular tv show, Lost. Love because it was so genius in the beggining. Hate because it has become so complicated that time must be invested to read blogs to understand what in the world is going on with the show.
8 (Sydni Levy): "hopes the Suns will win the rest of their games so that the Mavs will be in the lottery"
Alas, the Suns did not and the Mavs made the playoffs loosing in the second round to the Denver Thuggets...I mean Nuggets.
12 (Chris McDonald): "hates Microsoft Word."
Don't we all - again another love/hate relationship.
13 (Brandon Fickle): "Is at Lions Club...the guest speaker is a magician."
Yes, I am 29. Yes, I am a member of the Lions Club. Yes, I am the youngest member by far.
23 (Shannon Miksek, Louise Keeton): "Is getting ready to go to work"
Still getting ready.
29 (Tony Spohn): "rockin Financial Peace University."
My church, North Richland Hills Baptist Church, encouraged each family in the church to attend Financial Peace University (FPU) this spring. FPU is a 15 week seminar by Dave Ramsey on how to become and live debt-free. It was fantastic and life changing for many in the church including my family.
35 (Mary Carr): "just got the "no I'm not talking to you, I'm (blue) toothing." Not a fan of the blue tooth. "
While the cell phone is one of the greatest inventions in the last 20 years, the blue tooth is just the opposite as it seemingly is employed to show that the user is more important than those around him or her.
44 (Sarah Case): "is fixin to have breakfast with one of his heros, Sonny Wynne."
When I was growing up, Sonny Wynne was the associate pastor then the lead pastor at my childhood church, Harwood Terrace Baptist Church. He has a lot of wisdom and kookiness to share.
52 (Anthony Kapp): "Go FC Dallas!"
My favorite soccer team in my favorite sport.
76 (Aaron Arledge): "Nevernudes win again"
Arrested Development is one of my all-time favorite tv shows who's life was all too short lived. One of the main characters had a disorder in which he could never be completely naked, hence he was a "nevernude." In honor of this condition, I named my 3 on 3 basketball team the Nevernudes. Genius, I know.
79 (Misty Lynch): "has been upgraded. Awesome"
American Airlines is good to me...and seemingly to no one else.
88 (Tammy Brown): "The day I worry about Swine Flu is the day Pigs Fly"
The Swine flu or H1N1 panic was absolutely rediculous.
218 (Tim Harsch): "@mattmillsap My only problem was...if it was so perfect in forming passionate disciples, why wasn't the passion passed on?"
A SWBTS professor tweeted that churches in the 50s were excellent in making disciples. My point was that if they were so good at making disciples why did so many of their children and grandchildren leave the church. Matt Millsap is a phd student at SWBTS and a friend with whom I engaged in dialouge about this issue.
When you see "@" before a user name such as "mattmillsap" it means that the tweeter is sending a message to another user.
287 (Susan Holland): "learned to his son's detriment and his wife's chagrin that Parker is too mobile to leave on the coach unsupervised. "
Parker fell off the couch, which I misspelled as coach. I am a terrible speller.
313 (Alejandro Galaviz): "Parker is officially a Spence."
Easily one of my favorite tweets as Parker is our adopted son and in mid-July legally became a Spence.
409 (Rene Floyd): "@wvhooligan who's doing the talk about MLS buying the USL?"
MLS stands for Major League Soccer and is the top flight soccer league in America. The USL or United Soccer Leagues is basically a minor league but is not directly affiliated with MLS.
412 (Angela Roberts): "RT @FCDallasWeb: Breaking FCD News: Marvin Chavez signed. http://twurl.nl/yde8bx"
Solid signing for FC Dallas - a Honduran winger, Marvin Chavez. Clearly, I like soccer and FC Dallas.
429 (Eric McCarson): "@bentune are we still on for lunch tomorrow? 12:45 @ Jason's Deli, right?"
I had a sandwich...it was good with one of my friends and Sunday School teachers, Ben Tune.
444 (MacMo): "#SBC resolves to not allow SBC employees to read/listen to Mark Driscoll. I am now podcasting him. Resolutions against evangelicals = fail"
Mark Driscoll is a controversial evangelical pastor in Seattle at Mars Hill Church. This tweet was wrong as at the Southern Baptist Convention (or SBC) a resolution was introduced but did not pass that would not allow SBC employees to listen to Driscoll's sermons or read his books. That a resolution was introduced and taken seriously belies some of the superficial problems in the SBC.
501 (Kristan Tucker): "@iAlejandro SNL without Tina Fey is SNL without the jajajajajaja"
Jajajajaja is the Spanish version of hahaha or lol. Tina Fey is brillian, her loss on Saturday Night Live or SNL leaves a gaping whole of funnyness.
687 (Wendy Adams): "U2 putting on a great concert. The visuals are amazing"
U2 is one of my favorite bands and they put on a little concert in Arlington. Wendy Adams was there and can verify.
777 (Dean Pickard, Ben Tune): "is enjoying @MattChandler74 's new podcast. He doesn't mince words when it comes to the truth from God's word."
Matt Chandler is a pastor at the Village church in Dallas. He is a great preacher who I try to listen to on a regular basis.
829 (Jim Adams): "FYI - the parenting conference tonight at NRHBC will be in the Fellowship Hall not the Worship Center."
My Twitter and Facebook account is often utilized for church announcements.
843 (Zach Curry): "Check out my blog, http://ahumblecertainty.blogspot.com/ for this week's post: Go Where God Is Not 'at Work.'"
Check out this blog as often as possible. :-) Additionally, I thought that blog post was one of my better ones.
865 (Luis Bueno): "has a great but hard job- sharing the gospel around the world. Who has a harder job? Janet, stay-at-home Moms have a wonderful but hard job."
My wife, Janet, is a stay-at-home mom who has a very hard job keeping up with two kids under an year old and only 8 months apart.
888 (Lisa Rodriguez): "@geoffreypayne yup...which updates my Facebook status."
My Twitter account updates my Facebook status. Why Geoff Payne needed to know this I have no idea.
945 (Josh White): "@L_W_B Yeah - I was exaggerating saying they will loose by 50...I just don't want to see a Big 12 team blown-out and then hear about it..."
If texas university plays like they did against Nebraska they will get blown out in the National Championship game. If they play like they did against Texas A&M, they should win. (As an Aggie and a rival, I just can't root for them.)
Just to be transparent, I fall short of demonstrating that Jesus is the Lord and highest priority in my life. Far too often I find spend time watching, listening or thinking about sports, which is funny because apart from the Dallas Mavericks of the NBA, none of my favorite teams have fared well in the last 10 years or so.
Sports are great entertainment, but more often they provide disappointment and frustration.
My relationship with Christ provides joy, peace and love - almost the direct opposite of what the Cowboys, Aggies, and FC Dallas provides. If "where your tweets are then your heart will be also", I need to transform my Twitter account to speak to the deeper joy provided by Christ.
Arrogance & Eloquence
9 hours ago
I admire you for putting this out there. I see the blend between sports and the Gospel in your life. If you didn't like sports as much as you do, you wouldn't be "real" to me. I don't want a "fake" preacher in my life.
ReplyDeleteI have seen you use sports as an entry to the Gospel first-hand (9/08, BA, with teen boys). They "got it." They got the fact that you were real and that you cared about them--their likes/dislikes and their spiritual lives and eternal destiny.
Don't change too much, k?
Thanks Louise - I appreciate the kind words.
ReplyDeleteIt would require radical life change for me to become disinterested in sports. I just need a change in priorities as often what comes out of our mouth reflects what is in our heart.
But I will keep it real. :-)
ReplyDeleteI had a hunch it might have to do with FB and/or Twitter. I dropped Twitter last month as it played out. It serves a purpose for some but is redundant since it posted to FB also. Now, I understand that is no longer the case. Only had 177 tweets compared to your 1000+, but I'm guessing only 30 or so were really newsworthy.
Paul Kullman
ReplyDeleteThe idea of tweets as "newsworthy" is funny, until I read that a controversial tweet from Ed Stetzer ended up in Christianity Today.