As I watched Avengers a theological theme stood out to
me – because I’m just that cool - the use of the term, “god(s).” What is
particularly remarkable is the use of the term in conjunction with two
characters, Thor & Loki, who are supposed to be god-like in their
attributes, particularly in regards to their strength. And for whatever its worth,
one of the best moments of the movie is when Hulk pounds Loki to a pulp calling
him a “puny god.”
As I
reflect on the movie, the use of god, particularly in regards to god-like
characters is remarkable when one compares the terms god-like to godly. Let me
explain the differences.
desires to be god-like. Isaiah 14 says, “How you have fallen from heaven,
morning star, son of the dawn…You said in your heart…‘I will ascend above the
tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.’” Satan desired to
be “like the Most High,” which was ultimately his downfall.
We too
have within ourselves this same desire – to be god-like. This is why we smash
atoms, decide for ourselves our gender or orientation, try to make clones, and
even set our own course for salvation.
on the other hand, is godly. He came to earth not to be served but to serve. He
is described as meek and mild – the God of the universe who came in human flesh
and born in a manger. This is the leader of a movement who washed his followers’
feet. This is the Most High who for the joy set before him endured the cross
despising the shame.
question then must be asked of us, the followers of Christ, which do we want to
be? Godly? Or try (in vain) to be god-like?
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