My two sons, Parker is on the left, Jonathan on the right.In the last year, I have become the proud father of two sons. They are not twins. For an explanation you can check out -
I am entitling this "Part 1" not because I have immediate plans for any subsequent parts, but that I fully expect to in time.
My older son, Parker, turned a year old a little over a week ago. It has been a delight to be his father.
A few months ago, Parker discovered how to clap his hands. He now does it all the time. It is his favorite means to express himself. He claps when he is happy. He claps when he is sad. He claps on cue whenever someone sings, "Patty Cake."
Recently, when he climbs into my lap, he has discovered that he can "force" me to clap. He places his hands on the outside of my hands and brings them together then separates them and repeats. He thinks he is making me clap - it is rather precious.
Little does he know that if I didn't want to clap, he doesn't have the strength to force me. It is out of love that I allow him to clap my hands.
As a Christian, and especially a minister, I face the temptation to believe that what occurs in ministry is a result of my efforts. People accept Christ, are moved by a lesson or sermon, churches are planted - the temptation is to believe I accomplished these things. Especially when commend for doing a good job.
The truth of the matter is no different then with my son. Parker is not clapping my hands, I am. I am not reaching or teaching people about Christ, God is.
Instead of "this is what I am accomplishing for God," the truth is, "this is what God is accomplishing through me. "
To him be the glory!
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